EPA Funding Awarded to Enhance Lake Observer App for use in the NALMS Secchi Dip-In

With EPA funding, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies will continue a partnership with Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB), Gold Systems, and the North American Lake Management Society (NALMS) to make additional improvements to the Lake Observer app and AWQMS database in support of the Secchi Dip-In.

Anticipated outcomes for the project include:

  • Improved data quality / useability for improved local and national decision-making.
  • Increased quantity of useable volunteer data to EPA and National Water Quality Portal.
  • Improved community scientist and volunteer group “buy-in” and participation through improved data attribution, searchability, and analysis.
  • Streamlined/more efficient data capture for both NALMS and community scientists.

Posted 2022-09-30 23:39:12